With PrestaServicePro, your osCommerce to Prestashop migration will be done in a few minutes, with high level of security and accuracy. All your data including products, customers, orders, categories and other entities can be migrated smoothly without interrupting your current e-store performance. Let our dedicated support team help you with any further questions or concerns!

Supported Versions

  • Source Store: osCommerce all versions
  • Target Store: Prestashop 1.6.x, 1.7.x
osCommerce to Prestashop migration is not as difficult as you may think!

What Data Can be Migrated from osCommerce to PrestaShop

1. Products
  • Name, Full Description, Status, Manufacturer
  • Price.
  • URL, Meta Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description.
  • Weight
  • Variants: (Name)
  • Base Image and Additional Images
1.1 Product Categories
  • Name, Description, Status, Sort Order
  • Image
  • URL
2. Orders
  • ID, Order Date, Order Status, Order Products ( Name, SKU, Image ), Product Price, Quantity, SubTotal Price, Discount Price, Tax Price, Shipping Price, Total Price, Order Status History
  • Customer Name, Email.
  • Shipping Address ( First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone ).
3. Customers
  • ID, First Name, Last Name, Email, Newsletter, Gender, Date of Birth, Passwords Can Be Saved, Created Date.
  • Address ( First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone ).
4. Discounts
  • Cart rules (discount codes);
  • Catalog price rules
5. Taxes
  • Tax Class: (Tax name, Country, Tax rate)
  • Taxes groups;
  • Tax rules to apply taxes for products
6. SEO
  • All SEO settings such as Meta title, Meta descriptions, Meta keywords, backlinks, reciprocal links and etc. are also migrated from your old shop to the new one. You can keep your high SEO ranking on Google and all other search engines.